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Financial Planning
Made Simple
For Every Stage
In You & Your
Family's Lives.

About Us
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Edward Ober, EA

You & Your Family Can Have It All...

Once you have a financial planning guide like me by your side.
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Balancing my Joys


Craft Beer

Apply easy to learn methods to achieve your
personal and family goals.

Family Time
The Process

The Planning Process

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Step 1: The Initial Engagement

Building out your financial plan

As your financial guide, we need to have a clear understanding of your financial life.  Understanding your experience with money management will be important before we can make sound recommendations in your financial planning.


We gain this understanding through the process of creating your financial plan in tune with your unique circumstances, goals, values, risk tolerance and time frame.  The financial plan we create with you guides everything we do for every stage of your life.   

Step 2: Selecting An Ongoing

Engagement Service Package

Since we now have a clear understanding of your financial situation and goals, we will select which one of our Ongoing Engagement Service packages will work best:

Quick Start Wealth Management or Comprehensive Wealth Management


Investment management is included in both of our ongoing package plans. Below is an outline of what is included with each service package.  

As a part of your Ongoing Engagement Service financial plan development, we review your goals and objectives to ensure you are on track and that we are providing proactive service to help you reach those goals by incorporating the following project based services:

Project Based Services


Just want to tackle one or a few of your financial challenges?
For a nominal fee, we can guide you on any of the financial facets in your life.

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There is no need to sacrifice your joys, create a budget for them.

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